Our Story
Senior Assisted Living Facilities Lansing MI
Local owners Robert Baldino and Tim Brannan, decided to build a beautiful home and community for seniors, after their individual experiences brought them to the same conclusion “…..there must be a better way to live for seniors”!
Tim’s father, Sam, became ill a few years ago, and it was determined that he would need assistance and care. He and his mother began the search for a place for Sam to call home. The search produces a sad conclusion for Tim. There were not any facilities that provided a caring and appropriate environment.
Roberts situation was different… Growing up in the same household as mom and dad, his grandfather, aunt and uncle and six siblings! When his Aunt Jeannie’s health began to falter and the care she needed could not be managed at home, the search began. The conclusion… “Facilities” with closet- sized rooms, poor lighting and brick walls were “simple unacceptable”.
Robert approached Tim with the concept of opening a senior assisted living facility, one that their loved ones would have been proud to call home. Gunnisonville Meadows Senior Assisted Living was opened in 2012.
Come find out what Gunnisonville Meadows has to offer!
Primary Communities Served
Saint Johns